How Your Insta-Style Can Influence Fashion

Fashion Influencer Tips To Get You Noticed

Are you a fashionista? Do your friends often comment or compliment your impeccable style?  Why not use your social media platform to display your style and inspire others? Emerging research consistently validates that a small, highly-engaged audience is more likely to take action based on the values, habits, and purchases of someone they follow. 

That’s right, your followers admiration of your personal style and the brands you wear, will likely lead them to those same brands. This could mean a good coin or a great opportunity for you! Below are (3) ways to successfully drive fashion trends!

  • Create High-Quality Content
  • Engage with Other in Your Niche
  • Tag Other Fashion and Style Brands

Influencer marketing via Instagram is a more than one billion dollar industry.

The late, Kyrzayda Rodriguez was one of my personal faves!  I admired her impeccable style and how she effortlessly mixed high and low-end pieces to create head-turning looks.  Grabbing  your audience with tips like looks for less, mixing prints or any number of style ideas could mean stylish looks for your followers, and a good coin for you!

Create High-Quality Content

 The best way to get eyes on you is to be that you are posting quality content.  Be sure that your photos are high -resolution photos that speak to your personal style.  It is also important to include short, punchy captions that describe the look in your photos.

Engage with Other in Your Niche  

Engage with content that directly relates to the type of content that you create on your own feed. This will increase your chances of getting noticed by brands is even higher.

Kyrzayda Rodriguez stylishly mixed high end and affordable pieces 

Tag Other Fashion and Style Brands
Tag fashion brands, fashion magazines and other influencers.  This will bring more attention to your page and get your target audience familiar with you and your style; but be careful, brands don’t appreciate being spammed with tags  too desperate to grab their attention.  Remember to be professional, create quality content with hi-resolution photos that display your personal style. Lastly, be sure that you are tagging brands that you want to get more familiar your style.

Photo credits: Photos of late fashion blogger and fashion influencer, Kyrzayda Rodriguez.  Photos courtesy of Kyrzayda’s Instagram

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